This is a young couple I met while in Nezhyn. Will and Ira Mcintosh. Will is from California and I wish I had the time and space to tell their story completely. I will try quickly to do so. He came to Nezhyn on a Mission trip and there he met his Ira. They fell in love and so began Will's quest to get back to his Ira in which he finally did and they were married. He even wrote and published a book about their love which he gave her on their wedding night. There is only one copy of the book and Will made a beautiful wood box to keep it in. It is a beautiful love story but their love does not stop with one another. They both have a great love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Will and Ira will be cominng back to the states soon to raise support money so they can continue to work full time for the Lord.
Ira speaks English wonderfully and was one of our translators. She worked with me durng a session working with abused girls and was awesome in how she handled the quesions and translate the deep hurts of these young girls back to me.
Will loves photography also and I must say has a very wonderful talent for it. I hope he persue's this as part of his ministry. Ira sings and plays the guitar and has an voice like an Angel. I urged her to continue with her music and it is such a wonderful gift from God.
I came to love both Will and Ira with a deep affection for them because of their love for one another and for Jesus! I am proud and honor to have met them and became their friend.
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